Goals 2020

January 3rd 2020 | 3 minute read

I set out two years back to make it in this tough game of trading. I am still here. Naturally, I would like a positive equity curve. My first year was learning and then dumping money down the toilet. Or, at least it felt like it. A very expensive education. My second year was break even. I am now entering my 3rd year.

When doing a search on goals I came across this site Personal Goal Setting. I liked the list mnemonic SMART S – Specific (or Significant). M – Measurable (or Meaningful). A – Attainable (or Action-Oriented). R – Relevant (or Rewarding). T – Time-bound (or Trackable). The interesting part of this list is, A - Attainable. I have almost finished reading Brian Tracy's book No Excuses. In his book he mentions that people don't make big enough goals. One of my goals is to be debt free in 2020. I just bought a ranch two years back and I have a mortgage. My goals is to pay off my mortgage and be debt free. I don't really know if that is attainable but I am fully committed.

An exercise Brian suggest is to write down your goals everyday in past tense. That is, as if you have already accomplished them. The question I have for you, have you completed your goals in prior years? If so, great. If not, I recommend doing new activities to test if they work. I am writing down my goals everyday. This should keep me focused.

I encourage you to make goals. Work towards completing them. Finally keep them in check Let's make 2020 a year of accomplishment and spectacular!

May all your troubles last as long as your new year's resolutions. --Joey Adams ;)